Family conflicts are a very normal part of family life. These can result from differences in opinion, trust issues, miscommunication, and many other factors. Therefore, it is imperative to solve family issues at the earliest, so that family bonds aren’t negatively affected.
To learn more about Dionne Van Zyl’s valuable tips that can help you solve family conflicts effectively, continue reading!
Tips to Solve Family Conflicts by Dionne Van Zyl
These are actionable tips that can be very helpful when trying to solve family problems.
1. Identify the Root Cause
More often than not, we get so stuck up in the vicious cycle of the blame game that we don’t even know the real cause of the problem. Sit together with your family to first identify what has caused the problem. This will help you solve it better and will also help. It will also help you avoid the situation in the future as well.
2. Actively Listen to All Viewpoints
Everyone in the family should be allowed to give their opinion on what they think. Everyone should be able to talk about how they have been hurt and what they think should be done to solve the problem. This is important to ensure that no one feels left out or cornered.
3. Don’t Be Hard on People
Family conflicts can be very emotionally burdensome. Dionne Van Zyl says that family conflicts can make you feel vulnerable and upset. So instead of being hard on people and playing the blame game, try to play a more positive and productive role. The idea is to be hard on the problem and try to nip the evil in the bud. This helps work towards making family connections stronger and building that bond.
4. Give the Benefit of the Doubt
Instead of jumping to conclusions, give everyone around you the benefit of the doubt. Realize that we are all human and we all make mistakes. The key is accepting your mistake and becoming a better person. Family conflicts can be equally hard for everyone involved. So try to be nice to each other- it’s all of you versus the problem.
5. Give Explanations
If there is anything you did that caused the problem, try to be very elaborate when giving explanations. Detailed explanations can allow you to help understand the problem in the best way yourself and can also help everyone else around understand things from your point of view.
6. Have a Sincere Intention
Dionne Van Zyl says that one of the most critical aspects of solving family problems is having genuine intent. You should be thinking in everyone’s best interest when working towards solving conflict.
7. Get a Mediator
If the problem gets too overboard and you need a neutral mediator to help you put differences aside, don’t hesitate to get one. A mediator can help play a very crucial role in helping each side put their story forward.
Final Thoughts by Dionne Van Zyl
With these valuable tips by Dionne Van Zyl, you can solve family conflicts effectively by putting differences aside and learning how to move past things. Even if you are hurt, learn to forgive and let go. It will only help you get more peace.